Gestational Surrogacy


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Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy is a complex yet increasingly popular method of creating a pregnancy by implanting embryos, typically created through in vitro fertilization (IVF), into the uterus of a surrogate mother. The surrogate carries the pregnancy to term, and the baby is delivered to the intended parents. This method offers hope and a path to parenthood for individuals or couples who, for various reasons, cannot conceive or carry a pregnancy to term themselves.

Does the Embryo Have to Be Created with the Couple’s Own Egg and Sperm Cells?

In gestational surrogacy, the embryo does not necessarily have to be created using the intended parents’ own egg and sperm cells. In many cases, one or both intended parents might face infertility issues, preventing the use of their biological material. To create the embryo for transfer into the surrogate mother, donor eggs or donor sperm can be used. Additionally, in some cases, a donor embryo—an embryo created from donor egg and sperm—might be utilized if required. This flexibility allows a broader range of individuals and couples to pursue surrogacy as an option for starting a family.

Situations That May Require Surrogacy

Surrogacy is typically considered when the intended mother has had her uterus removed surgically (hysterectomy), has a non-functional uterus, or has a medical condition that makes pregnancy unsafe or impossible. Medical conditions that may preclude pregnancy include severe heart disease, a history of cancer treatment affecting the uterus, or other health issues that might pose significant risks during pregnancy.

Surrogacy also provides a solution for same-sex male couples who wish to have a child with a genetic connection to one or both partners. By utilizing an egg donor and a surrogate, they can create a family with biological ties to their child.

Legal Aspects of Surrogacy in Northern Cyprus

Gestational surrogacy is legal in Northern Cyprus, provided that specific conditions are met and the process adheres to the legal framework. Northern Cyprus has established laws governing surrogacy to ensure that all parties are protected throughout the surrogacy journey. This legal framework requires that the need for surrogacy be medically justified and that all parties involved are fully informed and agree to the terms and conditions of the arrangement.

Concluding Thoughts

Gestational surrogacy offers a pathway to parenthood for many individuals and couples who might otherwise struggle to have a child. Whether due to medical reasons, infertility, or other circumstances, surrogacy can be a viable solution. With its flexible approach to embryo creation and a clear legal framework, Northern Cyprus provides an environment where surrogacy can be pursued with confidence and support.

At Vita Altera IVF, we are committed to guiding you through every step of the surrogacy process, ensuring that you have the information, support, and resources needed to make your surrogacy journey as smooth as possible. We understand that each family’s journey is unique, and we are here to help you achieve your dream of becoming a parent through gestational surrogacy.